360° Feedback

Feedback helps us see how we appear to others.

What is the ambition?


Develop THE top team

Leadership Team Intention/Impact 360° leadership teams seldom are provided with feedback about their individual efforts or the “team effect” they collectively create. This interview-based process produces reports for each individual team member as well as a team report about the sum of their efforts.


Get feedback for key people in The organization

Hogan 360° is a comprehensive multi-rater feedback tool designed to help career-minded leaders gain a better understanding of how they are perceived by managers, peers, direct reports, and others. The report uses an easy-to-interpret leadership framework to provide a real-time look at an individual’s attitude, behavior, and performance. The report offers constructive feedback and sets priorities for improvement.


Determine if THE Adaptive Leadership training has changed behaviors

Adaptive Leadership Profile 360° (APL 360°) developed by the creators of the Adaptive Leadership Framework, this produces a comprehensive assessment of the frequency and efficacy with which the executive demonstrates leadership behaviors.