Many times in organizational life, people look up to those in charge to decide what to do and how it ought to be done. Often times these expectations are about three key ideas – – making sure we’ll be okay, telling us where we are headed and establishing...
Leading change requires risk-taking. Calculating how much risk will drive the desired change – but moderating that amount to avoid being “taken out” is one of the central challenges of leadership (using this term to describe the activity not the people “in...
A client was updating me on her team’s progress in being more inclusive and participatory in how they lead their organization. One piece of feedback she got from her team was “Lead the way you want to lead.” What struck her was how liberating that felt to her. Prior...
One of the challenges in leading change is ensuring that the change itself is an improvement – not just a different approach that also generates insufficient outcomes. It is striking how often this happens. The difficulty of implementing a new approach...
Procrastination has haunted us all from time to time. For some, it’s a minor nuisance – for others a terrifying pattern. Let’s examine the subject with a mind to rid ourselves of it for good. Procrastination is defined as “the avoidance of a task that needs to...