The Way We Look at the Problem is Almost Always Part of the Problem

In my work with individuals and teams, we often begin with the question “What problem are we trying to solve?” This simple question can generate a strong reaction. Based on the position in the hierarchy, experience, preferences aspirations and the like, different...

Why are we having such a hard time hearing each other?

There is an old Vermont joke in which two farmers are listening to a politician’s campaign speech. One of the farmers turns to the other and asks, “What is he talking about?” “He don’t say!” his friend responds. While this always generated a chuckle,...

Exploring the relationship between activity and impact

Exploring the relationship between activity and impact The Hamster Wheel Many of us have kept hamsters – really cute rodents who provide hours of entertainment with their antics and often serve valuable life lessons for children about taking care of other beings....

Building a Support System – Dancing with the Ugly Dancers

One of the critical practices for exercising leadership is “Getting on the Balcony” – that is, finding a way to reflect in the midst of action. A useful metaphor is to think about your place of work as a “dance floor.” As the tempo builds, the action gets more...

The “Louder” Strategy

At one point in my time as a Peace Corps Volunteer, I employed a woman who spoke no English. When I would introduce her to English-speaking people, they would invariably speak louder to her. “She”s not deaf – she doesn’t speak the language so louder won’t help”...