Cultivating Leadership Agility

The “Problem” with Collaboration

The “Problem” with Collaboration

Most organizational guidance touts the importance of Collaboration. It is a trait revered by executives, leaders and cultures alike. It is a compelling concept. It is also problematic for many. Here’s why –

Distinguishing Progress From Variety

Distinguishing Progress From Variety

One of the challenges in leading change is ensuring that the change is an improvement – not just a different approach that generates insufficient outcomes.

Legacy as Opportunity

Legacy as Opportunity

One of the most common problems in organizations – or across human systems generally – is that the current generation in charge does not feel the next generation is ready to take over AND they are doing little to get them better prepared.

Sometimes Feeling Understood is Enough

Sometimes Feeling Understood is Enough

With many of the teams with whom we have been involved, conflict arises. Even among the most capable, different opinions, viewpoints and preferences arise.