Choosing Between Being Right and Being Effective

Among the greatest challenges faced by people trying to lead, choosing between being right and being effective is among the most vexing. As people ascend the hierarchy, they often are rewarded for their point of view and ideas. The more reinforcement, the deeper grows...

When watching a non-performer – try this assumption:

We are often asked about how to engage, or ultimately deal with non-performers. Many times people have waited so long, they have effectively narrowed their options to a single, less than ideal choice – to terminate the person. In a world where talent is the next...

Partnering with Authority

When a waitress asks “Can I get you anything else?” I often joke: “Yeah, money and power would be great.” (Everybody laughs and agrees they’d like more.) In reality, wouldn’t we like more power? Wouldn’t make things easier? Probably…. Let’s assume it would be good....

Leadership is mobilizing people to narrow the gap..

In these challenging times, many people are asking “where is the leadership we need?” Well to answer that question we have first to agree on what we are looking for, then see if we can find it. Unfortunately, the traditional model of “leadership” characterizes those...

“The people with the Problem are the problem ….and the solution”

“The people with the Problem are the problem ….and the solution”. In today’s reflection we contemplate the importance of engaging people in the identification of what’s not working as well as what to do about it. In many change efforts, the people in charge select the...