Legacy as Opportunity

One of the most common problems in organizations – or across human systems generally – is that the current generation in charge does not feel the next generation is ready to take over AND they are doing little to get them better prepared. This not...

If someone calls you an ass… Recognizing Feedback Worth Heeding

“If someone calls you an ass, you can ignore them. If three people call you an ass, you better start looking for a saddle.” This timeless Yiddish saying is a good lesson for us all, that is, when do we pay attention to the feedback we receive from others? The answer,...

Sometimes Feeling Understood is Enough

With many of the teams with whom we have been involved, conflict arises. Even among the most capable, different opinions, viewpoints and preferences arise. This is a strength of a capable, agile team. It is also a failure point. Here’s the way it unfolds: difference...

Determining How Much Organizational Agility is Enough

As outlined in previous articles, Organizational Agility is the optimal balance between the speed of responsiveness to market or other environmental conditions and stability for the key stakeholders – be they employees, customers and/or board members. How much...

What do I actually get paid to do?

One way to encourage people to take a new look at their role in their organization is to answer the question: What do I actually get paid to do? The answer is not the usual job description. To answer this fully one has to think about how the system (colleagues,...